—Outdoor Skills Network

  • Is an collaboration of stakeholders united to preserve our hunting and angling traditions, wildlife and habitats. We are not an official part of the Arizona Game and Fish Department, we are not an ‘organization’. 
  • We teach people how to hunt, fish and shoot, by providing hands-on, mentored events through a partnership-based model to teach the outdoor skills needed to learn how do it on their own through a series of events, activities and social support.
  • We are Recruiting, Retaining & Reactivating


  • R3 (Recruitment, Retention & Reactivation) is Species, Habitat and Advocacy
  • By teaching new people to hunt/fish builds connections to nature
  • Creating wildlife conservationist and advocates

—The Steering Committee’s primary function is to provide leadership, guidance, training and benefits to member organizations and stakeholders through coordination, cooperation and communication, as well as conducting bi-annual summit workshops.

  • Created an Action Plan
  • Established Standards and Best Practices  
  • Encourages Partnerships, sharing resources
  • Looks at big picture to keep us moving forward
  • Conducts bi-annual work sessions
  • Provide resources, tools, support
  • Liaison with Game and Fish




—How to join:

  • nothing formal, attend meeting, share with your membership, offer your skills at events
  • Send Doug your email address
  • Ask Steering Committee to present to your group
  • This is NOT a call to host a new event
  • We need to continue to improve existing events and connect with past participants offering “next steps”
  • We have many resources, let us help you
  • Avoid the urge to create everything from scratch, we have extensive resources and partners – take advantage of those
  • Visit an event / camp, see first-hand